Hello everyone, 
I hope everyone who reads this is doing well!
My name is Matthew Poulter, and I am a PhD researcher at Oxford Brookes (UK) where the focus of my work has been on the health and nutrition of prisoners. Currently, I am working on a short survey to understand the experiences of ex-prisoners on the food they experienced during their sentence. The aim of this research is to shed light on the perspectives of ex-prisoners regarding their food experiences and gather valuable insights to improve conditions.
I have struggled to get responses to my survey, especially from former female prisoners. So I thought I would put out a quick blog post to see if anyone here might know of people they could forward my survey to who is 18+ and has exprience of being in prison in the past. Hopefully gaining thoughts on their exprinece of the prison food enviroment via this 15-20 min survey, I can provide some good evidence to feedback to the research community and the government to improve nutrition. 
I have put the survey link below:https://brookes.fra1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3Cp7ctHZY8iAe6G
Thank you for your time!


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