E-Learning Courses for Staff:

German: DL6.1 E-Learning-Kurs zu FutureLearn zum Thema Impfen in Justizvollzugsanstalten für Strafvollzugspersonal (Gesundheits- und Strafvollzug)

Below are links to the E-learning course in German. If you sign up to FutureLearn you can access the courses for free for two weeks:

Vaccine trained: Improving Vaccination Knowledge in Prisons - Vaccine-Trained Staff - FutureLearn

Non- vaccine trained: Vaccination in Prisons for Non-Vaccine Trained Staff - Online Course FutureLearn


English: Prison Health: Vaccination for People Working in Prisons

Below are links to the E-learning course in English. If you sign up to FutureLearn you can access the courses for free for two weeks:

Vaccine trained: Improving Vaccination Knowledge in Prisons - Vaccine-Trained Staff - FutureLearn

English – Non vaccine trained: Vaccination in Prisons for Non-Vaccine Trained Staff - Online Course FutureLearn


Greek: RISE-Vac- Προσεγγίζοντας τους πιο απρόσιτους: Αύξηση της πρόσβασης και της χρήσης εμβολίων στον πληθυσμό των φυλακών στην Ευρώπη

Below are links to the E-learning course in Greek. If you sign up to FutureLearn you can access the courses for free for two weeks:

Vaccine trained: Improving Vaccination Knowledge in Prisons - Vaccine-Trained Staff - FutureLearn

Non vaccine trained: Vaccination in Prisons for Non-Vaccine Trained Staff - Online Course FutureLearn


Italy: RISE-Vac Per raggiungere le persone difficili da raggiungere: Aumentando l'accesso e l'adozione del vaccino tra la popolazione carceraria in Europa

Below are links to the E-learning course in Italian. If you sign up to FutureLearn you can access the courses for free for two weeks:

Vaccine trained: Improving Vaccination Knowledge in Prisons - Vaccine-Trained Staff - FutureLearn

Non Vaccine trained: Vaccination in Prisons for Non-Vaccine Trained Staff - Online Course FutureLearn


French: RISE-Vac Atteindre les personnes difficiles à atteindre : Améliorer l'accès et la prescription  des vaccins des personnes placées sous main de justice en Europe

Below are links to the E-learning course in French. If you sign up to FutureLearn you can access the courses for free for two weeks:

Vaccine trained: Santé en prison : Vaccinations pour les personnes travaillant et vivant en priso (futurelearn.com)

Non vaccine trained: Santé en prison : Vaccinations pour les personnes travaillant et vivant en priso (futurelearn.com)


Romanian: RISE- Vac - îmbunătățirea sănătății populației penitenciare din Europa prin promovarea și îmbunătățirea ofertei de vaccinuri și creșterea gradului de utilizare a vaccinurilor

Below are links to the E-learning course in Romanian. If you sign up to FutureLearn you can access the courses for free for two weeks:

Romanian – Vaccine trained: Improving Vaccination Knowledge in Prisons - Vaccine-Trained Staff - FutureLearn

Romanian – non vaccine trained: Vaccination in Prisons for Non-Vaccine Trained Staff - Online Course FutureLearn


Awareness-raising brochures for people living in prison:

German: Impfung in Gefängnissen

English: Vaccination in prison

Italy: Vaccinazioni nelle carceri

French: Vaccinations en prison 

Romanian: Vacinarea în penitenciare


Educational animations for people living in prison:

German Animation 

English Animation 

Greek Animation 

Italy Animation 

French Animation 

Russian Animation

Arabic Animation

Spanish Animation

Romanian Animation 



Cancer-preventing vaccination programs in prison: promoting health equity in Europe

Implementation of COVID-19 vaccination services in prison in six European countries: translating emergency intervention into routine life-course vaccination | BMC Public Health | Full Text (biomedcentral.com)

RISE-Vac—Co-Production of Vaccine Education Materials with Persons Living in Prison - Volume 30, Supplement—March 2024 - Emerging Infectious Diseases journal - CDC

Vaccination against emerging and reemerging infectious diseases in places of detention: a global multistafe scoping review

Interventions to increase vaccine uptake among people who live and work in prisons: A global multistage scoping review

Equitable and tailored access to covid-19 vaccine for people in prison