Take a look at the upcoming events around the world. Futher details and how to register can be found below!

Health in Detention and Medical Ethics

When: 25th- 29th November 2024

Where: Université de Montpellier, France

La formation « Santé en détention et éthique de soins » est un module d'une semaine destiné aux professionnels de la santé carcérale. Proposée par l'Université de Montpellier et le CICR, elle aborde les problématiques de santé en détention, les systèmes de santé, les maladies transmissibles et non transmissibles, ainsi que les dilemmes éthiques. Les participants apprendront à analyser et répondre aux défis sanitaires en milieu carcéral en se basant sur des normes et standards internationaux.

À la fin du module, les participants seront capables de :

  • Identifier les instruments juridiques et les normes pour protéger les droits des détenus et des professionnels de santé.
  • Évaluer les problèmes de santé majeurs en détention.
  • Analyser et résoudre les problèmes de santé et de droits humains en milieu carcéral.

 More information at:



The First African Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health- A CALL TO POLICE IN AFRICA: Introduction to Public Health Policing: 

When: 1st- 4th December 2024

Where: Pretoria, South Africa

ThemeAligning Policing and Public Health: working together for community wellbeing, and (De)criminalizing public health

Conference Objectives:

  1. To raise awareness of the important links between the law enforcement and public health sectors in addressing a broad range of complex issues
  2. To raise awareness of public health approaches, including public health policing, to public health issues in Africa currently criminalized or over-policed
  3. To explore current research and state-of-the-art practice globally addressing these issues
  4. To share experience with partnership approaches to the widest range of important public health and welfare issues in Africa
  5. To form a regional African LEPH network as an affiliated member of the Global Law Enforcement and Public Health Association

The Call for Abstracts and Proposals for presentations at the African Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health is now open! Go to the Conference website for instructions on submission of your proposal for a presentation at the conference.

For further details and to register your interest, click here

Health in Detention

When: 2nd- 6th December 2024 

Where: Basel, Switzerland 

The one-week course in collaboration with the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) provides health professionals with the information, methods and tools needed to analyse and address health and human rights issues affecting people in detention. The course covers topics such as prisoner health, health systems, control of communicable and non-communicable diseases, and ethical issues that arise when providing health services to people in detention. It also provides an overview of the main legal instruments, professional codes and declarations designed to protect the rights of prisoners, detainees and patients. This course is open to participants working in the field of health in detention, nationally or internationally, and uses a multidisciplinary approach to bring together academics and clinical, public health and legal experts

For further details and to register your interest, click here