Please click here to download the Rise-Vac information leaflet.
Please click here to download the Rise-Vac information booklet.
RISE-Vac aims to improve the health of prison population in Europe by promoting vaccine literacy, enhancing vaccine offer and increasing vaccine uptake.
Tackling low vaccine coverage is a public health priority. Despite efforts, pockets of unvaccinated individuals persist in Europe. People in prison constitute a sizeable fraction of the population, in absolute number and for its rapid turnover. Incarcerated individuals largely belong to socially deprived communities with low socio-economic status and education level, high disease burden and prevalence of risk behaviours; and often, sub-optimal access to care. Prisons may be a gateway to offer appropriate and high-quality healthcare and vaccination services to individuals while in detention.
To respond to this public health priority, the RISE-Vac consortium brings together multisectoral skills, solid experience and well-established networks in the prison health field, reflecting epidemiological and structural diversities of European context.
Using state-of-the-art methodologies, RISE-Vac will
The benefits resulting from RISE-Vac activities will also accrue in the general population, increasing overall vaccine coverage. By upholding the principle that prison health is public health, the RISE-Vac project will provide tools and data-driven, evidence-based options to guide European countries in improving health status of people in prison and European population at large.
Institution |
City, Country |
Contract Person |
European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) |
Stockholm, Sweden |
Dr Erika Duffell |
European Monitoring Office for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) |
Lisbon, Portugal |
Ms Maria Linda Montanari |
World Health Organisation Health in Prison Programme (WHO HIPP) |
Moscow, Russia |
Prof Filipa Alves da Costa |
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) |
Wien, Austria |
Dr Ehab Salah |
University of Wien |
Wien, Austria |
Prof Joerg Pont |
Romanian Angel Appeal Foundation |
Bucarest, Romania |
Dr Lucia Mihailescu |
Italian National Institute of Health |
Rome, Italy |
Dr Silvia Declich |
Irish Penal Reform Trust |
Dublin, Ireland |
Niall Walsh |
The University of Southampton |
London, United Kingdom |
Dr Emma Plugge |
If you have any further questions on RISE-Vac, please contact:
This project was funded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).
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