RISE-Vac Work Packages

Objectives of the Work Packages
Work Package 1
Project Coordination
Lead: Univeristy of Pisa
- Guarantee efficient achievement of project objectives, to adapt implementation to the changing context and to anticipate and to deal with possible risks
- Ensure an efficient administrative management, scientific and financial monitoring and reporting
- Ensure compliance with research ethics and data management standards
- Promote a proactive approach towards the gender dimension and climate friendly research as cross-cutting issues
Work Package 2
Dissemination Activities
Leads: UKHSA & HWB
- Develop and implement a Communication, Dissemination and Outreach strategy ensuring the widest possible impact among major stakeholders and key target groups
- Disseminate by engaging and informing public authorities and policy-makers about the benefits of models of vaccine service delivery and practices developed by RISE-Vac
- Raise awareness among civil society and general population about the value of vaccination services in prison to increase vaccine literacy and vaccine uptake and reduce health inequalities
- Make RISE-Vac results widely known in the scientific community
- Ensure collaboration and cooperation with other initiatives related to access to vaccination and vaccination policies
Work Package 3
- Provide a common framework for the consortium members enabling them to self-assess the quality and correct implementation of the assigned tasks;
- Ensure the quality and compliance of the work plan and the quality and timely delivery of the project expected deliverables;
- Arrange performance indicators in order to facilitate the evaluation of the project’s impacts and processes.
Work Package 4
Promoting evidence-informed policies for prison health systems
- Describe current vaccination programmes targeted at people in prison in Europe
- Assess their feasibility and identify potential barriers for immunization information system linkage between prison and community health services
- Collate and critically appraise published evidence on interventions aiming to increase vaccine uptake in prison settings
- Develop evidence-based guidance document on how to increase vaccine uptake in prison settings
Work Package 5
Assessing attitudes towards and uptake of vaccination in prison settings
- Assess attitudes towards vaccination and vaccine literacy among prison population and prison staff at baseline and after the implementation of the novel vaccination strategies in participating and other European countries
- Assess vaccination status of detainees in participating and other European countries at the time they enter the prison or at the beginning of the study, whatever come after, and at the time they leave the prison or at the end of the study, whatever come first.
Work Package 6
Improving vaccine literacy among prison staff and people in prison
- Increase vaccine literacy for prison healthcare and custodial staff
- Increase vaccine literacy for people in prison
Work Package 7
Developing and piloting models for vaccination services delivery in prison settings
Leads: SPH & CPD
- Create a dedicated vaccination service in penitentiary institutions in RISE-VAC countries
- Promote/improve transitional care and linkage with community vaccination services
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This project was funded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020).
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